What’s Keeping You Stuck

Being stuck is maddening. Your wheels are spinning as fast as they can, but no matter how much you punch the gas, all it does is send mud flying everywhere. You know you need to get out of the mud. But no matter what you try, nothing seems to work.

Worse yet. It can feel like you’re sinking into the muck and the mire. Panic can begin to set in as visions of your impending doom rises up to greet you.

This can happen on the road, in your finances, your relationships, your romantic life, or your spiritual life. It doesn’t matter the circumstances. The feelings are the same, and so is the truth about what’s keeping you stuck.

You’re Navigating Unfamiliar Terrain

Whether you chose to leave the beaten path or life circumstances forced you off the comfortable and familiar road you were traveling doesn’t matter. You’re now navigating unfamiliar terrain. The reason you’re stuck is that the tools, techniques, and strategies you’re using and that worked for you in the past aren’t designed to handle this situation.

Getting Unstuck Requires a New Perspective

You’re going to have to find new tools, new techniques, and new strategies if you’re going to get unstuck. You need to gain a new perspective on the situation in order to find a way forward.

Your Obstacles:

  1. BIAS. BIAS blinds you to new possibilities. BIAS is the sum total of all your beliefs, ideas, assumptions, and stories you’ve collected from your past experiences. Those past experiences aren’t going to serve you in your new situation. They can lead you to overlooking options or dismissing possibilities because they wouldn’t have worked in the past.
  2. Ignorance. You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s where research, connecting with other people to collaborate and share ideas, or seeking consultations can help you find a way forward you didn’t know was possible.
  3. Fear. Fear can lead you to be unwilling to risk losing what you’ve got in order to gain something better.
  4. Poor Prioritization. When you prioritize the wrong things, you’re going to focus your energy on fixing the wrong things first. You’ll stay stuck and not make progress forward because you’re not fixing the real problem.
  5. Tackling the Symptoms, Not the Disease. This comes from not addressing obstacles 1 and 2, and it causes obstacle 4. It’s important that you first get to the root of the problem – the real thing holding you back – rather than addressing symptoms.

Moving Forward Starts with Acceptance

Denying that your stuck won’t help you move forward. Denying that there’s a problem won’t make the problem go away. The only way to move forward is to accept where you are, acknowledge the problems, and then build a plan to move into the place where you want to be.

Need Help?

We recommend starting with the Creative Collaboration VIP Mastermind. This is a small group of creative individuals who are working together to solve one, specific problem over a twelve-month period.

If you’re looking for help with multiple problems, it might be best to start with our Creative Collaboration Community. There’s no limit to the problems, and the goal of the community is to come together and work to help one another solve those problems.

For more immediate results, you can check out our consultation services. Those feature one-on-one support, along with a detailed recommendations report that will be provided within 7-10 business days of the consultation.


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